Truth or Dare Questions
The best Truth or Dare Questions for College Friends. Because let's be honest, only college kids play Truth or Dare.

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Truth or Dare Questions
The best Truth or Dare Questions for College Friends. Because let's be honest, only college kids play Truth or Dare.
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Even if you aren't in college, these still apply. That said, this is a game that tends to come out after a Power Hour.
We've compiled the ultimate list of truth or dare questions perfect for dorm parties, house hangouts, or just chilling with friends. We have organized them by category and spiciness level to help you pick the right ones for your group. Remember to always respect boundaries and keep it fun!
Do always prioritize consent and comfort. Do skip any questions that make you uncomfortable. Do keep it fun and lighthearted. Do mix up the categories to keep things interesting. Do feel free to modify questions to fit your group's vibe.
Looking to turn up the heat? We also have Spicy Truth or Dare Questions.
Light & Fun Truths
- What's the longest you've gone without doing laundry this semester?
- What's your most embarrassing freshman year moment?
- Which professor do you secretly have a crush on?
- What's the weirdest thing you've eaten at the dining hall?
- How many lectures have you actually skipped this semester?
- What's your go-to excuse for missing class?
- What's your most played song while studying?
- Which campus squirrel is your favorite and why?
- What's the strangest place you've fallen asleep on campus?
- Have you ever accidentally walked into the wrong classroom and stayed because you were too embarrassed to leave?
Deep & Personal Truths
- What's your biggest regret from high school?
- Who was your first crush in college?
- What's something your roommate does that drives you crazy but you've never told them?
- What's the most meaningful compliment you've ever received?
- What's your biggest fear about life after graduation?
- Which friend here would you trust with your deepest secret?
- What's something you're proud of but rarely share?
- What's the most important lesson college has taught you so far?
- What's a belief you had as a freshman that completely changed?
- If you could redo one moment from your college experience, what would it be?
Silly Dares
- Do your best impression of your strictest professor
- Write a love letter to your favorite campus statue
- Go outside and sing your school's fight song at full volume
- Trade clothes with the person to your right for the next three rounds
- Call the last person in your recent calls and tell them you've joined a circus
- Do your best TikTok dance in the middle of the group
- Let the group write a social media post for you
- Speak in a British accent for the next five minutes
- Do your best impression of a campus tour guide
- Draw a portrait of everyone in the group using only your non-dominant hand
Challenging Dares
- Text your crush something the group decides
- Post an embarrassing childhood photo on your main social media
- Let someone in the group DM someone from your Instagram
- Go knock on your neighbor's door and ask to borrow something ridiculous
- Call your parents and tell them you've changed your major to underwater basket weaving
- Wear your clothes backwards for the rest of the game
- Let the group style your hair however they want
- Send a screenshot of your most recent Google search to the group chat
- Let someone post a story on your social media
- Do a dramatic reading of your most embarrassing text conversation
Party & Social Truths
- What's the wildest party you've been to this semester?
- Which campus organization throws the best events?
- What's your most embarrassing drunk text story?
- Who's the most interesting person you've met at a party?
- What's your go-to party trick?
Academic Life Truths
- What's the lowest grade you've gotten on an exam?
- Have you ever turned in an assignment one minute before the deadline?
- What's the longest you've procrastinated on a paper?
- Which required course do you think is completely useless?
- Have you ever fallen asleep during a lecture?
Campus Crush Truths
- What's the most awkward encounter you've had with someone you liked in the library?
- Have you ever purposely taken a different route to class to see your crush?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've done to get someone's attention?
- Which mutual friend would you secretly want to date?
- Have you ever joined a club or study group just because someone you liked was in it?
- What's the worst pickup line you've used or heard on campus?
- Have you ever pretended to need help with homework just to spend time with someone?
- What's the most obvious hint you've dropped that someone completely missed?
- Have you ever had a crush on your TA?
- What's the most awkward date you've been on during college?
Roommate Life Truths
- What's the weirdest habit your roommate has that you've never told them about?
- Have you ever eaten your roommate's food and blamed it on someone else?
- What's the most passive-aggressive note you've ever left for a roommate?
- What's the most annoying thing your roommate does that you pretend doesn't bother you?
- Have you ever worn your roommate's clothes without asking?
- What's the strangest thing you've caught your roommate doing?
- What's your secret revenge for when your roommate annoys you?
- Have you ever lied about being asleep to avoid talking to your roommate?
- What's the weirdest conversation you've overheard through the walls?
- Have you ever hidden something from your roommate? What was it?
Late Night Study Dares
- Go to the library right now and loudly announce "I love studying!"
- Make a fashion statement out of sticky notes and wear it to your next study session
- Record yourself giving a dramatic reading of your textbook and send it to the group
- Write a love poem to your calculator and recite it
- Do a interpretive dance about your hardest class
- Create a superhero persona based on your major
- Make up a rap about your most boring professor
- Act out your last exam experience as a silent movie
- Draw your dream job on your forehead using washable marker
- Make a crown out of your study materials and wear it for the next hour
Social Media Truths
- What's the most embarrassing post you've ever deleted?
- Have you ever accidentally liked an old post while stalking someone?
- What's the longest you've spent planning a single Instagram caption?
- Have you ever posted something just to make someone jealous?
- What's the most awkward comment you've left on someone's post?
- Have you ever created a fake account to follow someone?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've posted on your finsta?
- Have you ever screenshot someone's story and sent it to a group chat?
- What's the worst social media trend you've participated in?
- Have you ever posted something just for the attention of one specific person?
Campus Adventure Dares
- Start a spontaneous dance party in the student union
- Leave an encouraging note on a random car in the parking lot
- Give a fake campus tour to your friends using only made-up facts
- Create a treasure map of campus and make someone follow it
- Write a secret message in the library study room whiteboard
- Leave positive sticky notes in random textbooks at the bookstore
- Do your homework while sitting in a tree
- Start a conga line in the dining hall
- Make up a new school chant and teach it to strangers
- Create an elaborate handshake with someone you just met
Late Night Food Run Truths
- What's the most money you've spent on delivery in one night?
- What's your weirdest 3 AM food combination?
- Have you ever stolen someone else's delivery by "accident"?
- What's the most desperate thing you've eaten during finals week?
- Have you ever flirted with the delivery person for free food?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've done for a food discount?
- Have you ever ordered food just so you wouldn't have to eat alone?
- What's your secret late-night snack stash?
- Have you ever pretended to be someone else to use their meal swipes?
- What's the most times you've ordered from the same place in one day?
Campus Life Dares
- Wear your backpack on your front for the rest of the day
- Go to the campus gym and do your workout routine in slow motion
- Speak only in movie quotes during your next class
- Wear your clothes inside out to your next club meeting
- Ask someone in the cafeteria if they believe in aliens
- Start a fake protest about something ridiculous
- Do your best impression of a campus statue for 5 minutes
- Write a dramatic breakup letter to your major
- Create a new school mascot and perform its signature dance
- Give a weather report using only interpretive dance
Extracurricular Truths
- What's the real reason you joined that club?
- Have you ever fallen asleep during a club meeting?
- What's the most ridiculous thing you've put on your resume?
- Have you ever pretended to be more involved in a club than you actually are?
- What's the weirdest skill you've learned from a campus organization?
- Have you ever started a club just to be the president of something?
- What's the most embarrassing talent show performance you've witnessed?
- Have you ever used your club position to impress someone?
- What's the strangest club meeting you've attended?
- Have you ever accidentally sent a personal message to a club group chat?
Campus Job Confessions
- What's the weirdest thing that's happened during your work shift?
- Have you ever slept on the job?
- What's the strangest request you've gotten from a customer?
- Have you ever given your friends free stuff from work?
- What's the most ridiculous excuse you've used to call out?
- Have you ever accidentally sent a work email to the wrong person?
- What's the most awkward interaction you've had with your supervisor?
- Have you ever had a workplace crush?
- What's the longest break you've taken without getting caught?
- Have you ever accidentally worn your uniform on your day off?
Weekend Adventure Dares
- Create and perform a one-person flash mob
- Go to the campus convenience store and buy the strangest combination of items
- Make up a secret handshake with every person you meet today
- Write and perform a dramatic monologue about your major
- Do your best impression of each person in the group
- Create a fashion show using only items in your backpack
- Start a spontaneous karaoke session in a public place
- Make up a new dance move and teach it to strangers
- Do your homework while speaking in a different accent
- Create a superhero origin story about your college experience
Finals Week Confessions
- What's the most caffeine you've consumed in one study session?
- Have you ever worn the same clothes for multiple days during finals?
- What's the strangest place you've fallen asleep while studying?
- Have you ever cried in front of a professor about a grade?
- What's the most outrageous excuse you've used to get an extension?
- Have you ever pretended to be sick to delay an exam?
- What's the most desperate thing you've done to finish a paper?
- Have you ever bargained with a higher power for passing a test?
- What's the longest you've gone without sleep during finals?
- Have you ever had a breakdown in the library?
Dining Hall Drama
- What's the most creative meal you've made from dining hall ingredients?
- Have you ever snuck food out in your backpack?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've spilled in front of everyone?
- Have you ever used someone else's meal card?
- What's the weirdest food combination you've tried?
- Have you ever pretended to know the dining staff to get extra food?
- What's the longest you've stayed in the dining hall to avoid something?
- Have you ever had an awkward encounter with your ex while eating?
- What's the most plates you've stacked on one tray?
- Have you ever gotten locked in or out of the dining hall?
Campus Rivalry Dares
- Wear a rival school's colors for a day
- Write a love letter to our biggest rival team
- Learn and perform the rival school's fight song
- Create a conspiracy theory about why our mascot is better
- Make a dramatic speech about switching schools
- Start a cheer for the wrong team at a game
- Create a peace treaty between rival dorms
- Design a hybrid mascot combining both schools
- Write a breakup song to the rival school
- Perform a dramatic reading of the last rivalry game's play-by-play
Greek Life Truths
- What's the most embarrassing thing you did during rush week?
- Have you ever forgotten someone's name after meeting them multiple times?
- What's the real reason you chose your organization?
- Have you ever mixed up which house someone was in?
- What's the most awkward mixer experience you've had?
- Have you ever pretended to be more excited about an event than you were?
- What's the worst theme party you've attended?
- Have you ever gotten your letters mixed up when talking to someone?
- What's the most ridiculous tradition you've participated in?
- Have you ever regretted your bid decision?
Campus Transportation Tales
- What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you on the campus shuttle?
- Have you ever pretended to miss your stop to talk to someone cute?
- What's the strangest conversation you've overheard while riding the bus?
- Have you ever chased after the bus in front of everyone?
- What's the worst parking ticket excuse you've tried?
- Have you ever gotten lost following campus directions?
- What's the most dramatic thing you've done to catch a ride?
- Have you ever fallen asleep and missed your stop?
- What's the weirdest thing you've seen someone bring on the bus?
- Have you ever pretended not to see someone at the bus stop?
Research Lab Confessions
- Have you ever broken expensive equipment and not told anyone?
- What's the biggest mistake you've covered up in the lab?
- Have you ever taken a nap in the lab when no one was around?
- What's the weirdest experiment you've witnessed?
- Have you ever pretended to understand what your research supervisor was saying?
- What's the most interesting thing you've discovered by accident?
- Have you ever named the lab equipment?
- What's the strangest thing you've stored in the lab fridge?
- Have you ever used lab time to do other homework?
- What's the most ridiculous lab safety rule you've broken?
Campus Coffee Shop Chronicles
- What's your most embarrassing interaction with the barista?
- Have you ever pretended to study just to people-watch?
- What's the longest you've camped out at a table?
- Have you ever stolen someone else's drink by mistake?
- What's your most pretentious coffee order?
- Have you ever tried to impress someone with your coffee knowledge?
- What's the most desperate thing you've done for caffeine?
- Have you ever eavesdropped on an interesting conversation?
- What's the worst spill you've had in front of everyone?
- Have you ever pretended to like coffee just to fit in?
Intramural Sports Stories
- What's your most embarrassing sports moment?
- Have you ever joined a team just because someone cute was on it?
- What's the worst excuse you've used to skip a game?
- Have you ever celebrated way too early?
- What's the most dramatic team drama you've witnessed?
- Have you ever pretended to be more athletic than you are?
- What's the strangest team name you've come up with?
- Have you ever shown up to the wrong field or court?
- What's the most ridiculous pre-game ritual you've participated in?
- Have you ever accidentally scored for the wrong team?
Campus Construction Dares
- Give a fake tour of the construction site (from a safe distance)
- Create a conspiracy theory about what they're really building
- Write a dramatic story about the crane's secret life
- Make up new names for all the detour signs
- Do an interpretive dance about the construction noise
- Create a mock advertisement for luxury construction view housing
- Write a love song to the scaffolding
- Design an alternative purpose for the construction equipment
- Make up new safety signs with ridiculous rules
- Create a dramatic timeline for when construction will actually finish
Campus Weather Woes
- What's the most dramatic thing you've done to avoid rain between classes?
- Have you ever used weather as an excuse to skip a date?
- What's the most inappropriate outfit you've worn for unexpected weather?
- Have you ever gotten trapped somewhere during a storm?
- What's the most embarrassing weather-related incident you've had?
- Have you ever pretended not to see someone during a blizzard?
- What's the longest detour you've taken to stay in air conditioning?
- Have you ever had a romantic moment ruined by weather?
- What's the weirdest place you've taken shelter from bad weather?
- Have you ever fallen in front of your crush on ice?
Student Health Center Stories
- What's the most dramatic reason you've gone to the health center?
- Have you ever faked being sick to get out of something?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've had to explain to the nurse?
- Have you ever run into your ex in the waiting room?
- What's the strangest remedy you've tried for a hangover?
- Have you ever gone just to get free supplies?
- What's the most awkward conversation you've had with the doctor?
- Have you ever tried to WebMD your symptoms and freaked yourself out?
- What's the longest you've waited for a five-minute appointment?
- Have you ever bumped into your professor at the health center?
Campus Tech Troubles
- What's the worst computer crash you've experienced before a deadline?
- Have you ever sent an embarrassing email to the wrong professor?
- What's the most desperate place you've gone for WiFi?
- Have you ever forgotten to mute yourself on a Zoom call?
- What's the most awkward thing you've done on a webcam?
- Have you ever lost an entire paper because you didn't save?
- What's the strangest tech support request you've made?
- Have you ever been caught playing games in class?
- What's the most dramatic reaction you've had to printer problems?
- Have you ever accidentally shared your screen with something embarrassing?
Freshman Year Flashbacks
- What's the most obvious freshman mistake you made?
- Have you ever gotten completely lost using the campus map?
- What's the most embarrassing question you asked at orientation?
- Have you ever tried to use your dorm key on the wrong building?
- What's the worst roommate matching story you have?
- Have you ever walked into the wrong class and stayed too long?
- What's the most naive thing you believed about college life?
- Have you ever tried to sneak into an upperclassman party?
- What's the most homesick thing you've done?
- Have you ever called a professor by the wrong name all semester?
Campus Radio Dares
- Request a song and dedicate it to your secret crush
- Create a fake weather report using only song titles
- Make up a commercial for your major
- Do your best radio DJ voice for the next hour
- Write and perform a jingle about campus food
- Create fake traffic reports for campus walkways
- Make up news headlines about squirrel activities
- Do a live commentary of people walking by
- Create a dramatic radio drama about library life
- Make up song requests for fictional students
Campus Tour Guide Confessions
- What's the biggest lie you've told on a tour?
- Have you ever gotten completely lost while leading a group?
- What's the most awkward question a parent has asked?
- Have you ever walked backwards into something?
- What's the most dramatic campus legend you've made up?
- Have you ever forgotten important facts during a tour?
- What's the strangest thing that's happened during a tour?
- Have you ever had to give a tour to someone you knew?
- What's the most embarrassing thing a tour group has witnessed?
- Have you ever accidentally led your group into a restricted area?
International Student Adventures
- What's the biggest cultural misunderstanding you've experienced?
- Have you ever used your accent to get out of trouble?
- What's the strangest American tradition you've encountered?
- Have you ever pretended not to understand English?
- What's the most confusing slang you've learned?
- Have you ever mixed up important customs?
- What's the most interesting food from home you've introduced?
- Have you ever taught someone the wrong words in your language?
- What's the most homesick thing you've done?
- Have you ever used Google Translate during a date?
Campus Security Stories
- What's the weirdest reason you've had to call campus security?
- Have you ever set off an alarm by accident?
- What's the most creative way you've snuck a pet into your dorm?
- Have you ever gotten locked out in an embarrassing situation?
- What's the strangest thing security has found in your room?
- Have you ever had to explain a suspicious package?
- What's the most dramatic late-night security escort story?
- Have you ever had to retrieve something embarrassing from lost and found?
- What's the most ridiculous safety violation you've witnessed?
- Have you ever had to explain why you were in a building after hours?
Research Paper Panic
- What's the most outrageous source you've cited?
- Have you ever made up a quote for a paper?
- What's the longest you've gone without sleep to finish a paper?
- Have you ever written an entire paper the morning it was due?
- What's the most desperate excuse for an extension?
- Have you ever accidentally plagiarized yourself?
- What's the weirdest topic you've had to research?
- Have you ever turned in the wrong draft of a paper?
- What's the most tabs you've had open while writing?
- Have you ever submitted a paper with track changes still visible?
Campus Media Mishaps
- What's the most embarrassing photo of you that made it into the yearbook?
- Have you ever been quoted out of context in the school paper?
- What's the worst autocorrect fail in a school email?
- Have you ever posted something inappropriate on the class forum?
- What's the most dramatic social media drama you've witnessed?
- Have you ever been caught in the background of a campus video?
- What's the most unfortunate timing for a notification sound?
- Have you ever accidentally gone live during class?
- What's the worst photographer timing you've experienced?
- Have you ever sent a meme to the wrong group chat?