Harry Potter
You think the Room of Requirement has a mini fridge full of beers to play with? It would make the Harry Potter drinking game better.

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The best Truth or Dare Questions for College Friends. Because let's be honest, only college kids play Truth or Dare.
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So, you want to spice up Harry Potter, do you? Maybe get yourself sorted into a house of drinking pros? Well we have a game for you.
Universal Rules
Take One Drink
- A character dies
- A Polyjuice Potion runs out
- Harry casts Expelliarmus
- Whenever points are scored in Quidditch
- A horcrux gets destroyed
- When a Butterbeer is ordered or consumed
- When a character disapparates
- When the word "muggle" is spoken aloud
Take Two Drinks
- Hagrid says, "I shouldn't have said that"
- When Harry gets a new broom
- When Gryffindor gets awarded points
- When a Patronus is produced
- The Marauder's Map is in use
- The Cloak of Invisibility is in use
Take Three Drinks
- When Firenze speaks
- If Fawkes takes flight
- Gringott's gets screen time
- Whenever Hermoine is unimpressed with Ron
Finish Your Drink
- Whenever a Golden Snitch is caught
- When Dumbledore dies
- When Dobby dies
- When Voldemort dies
Rules based on each movie
The Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's Stone)
- Whenever the Sorting Hat sorts a character